1 - 3 November 2024

EventThe importance of education. A round table of students and professionals in the art world

The importance of education. A round table of students and professionals in the art world


Approaching the labour market in artistic and cultural contexts requires awareness on the part of college students who want to become professionals in this sector, to fully grasp the importance of a commitment to a constant path of education and training. To study, to stay up to date, to learn and to perfect one’s knowledge represent the axioms of the cultural field, where institutions take on a role of great responsibility in the multiple career choices of students. But what are the labour necessities and growth prospects made available by the world of art today? Starting from reflections on the importance of ongoing study and permanent updating, the encounter sets out to open a dialogue between students, academic institutions and specialists in the world of art and culture, with the goal of generating reflections useful for the art world and even more useful for students, the true protagonists of the discussion, creating an opportunity for interaction among different professional roles. Coordinated by Alice Manni with the contribution of Filippo Buccheri, the debate emerges from the synergies developed between Artissima and the course on “Management of artistic-cultural assets and corporate collections” organized by Gallerie d’Italia l’Academy of Intesa Sanpaolo with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione Cariplo, in collaboration with Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura and Digit’Ed, and the expert contribution of Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. The talk stems from the results of an open call extended to students in the third iteration of the course, inviting them to develop an encounter on the issues of education within the contemporary scene.

Mediator: Guido Guerzoni (Professor at Bocconi University and Scientific Coordinator of Gallerie d’Italia Academy)

Speakers: Mattia Pozzoni (Art advisor), Alberto Fiore (Contemporary art specialist at Mazzoleni Gallery, London – Torino), Paola Manfredi (Founder and Director of PCM Studio), Giulia Ronchi (Director of Exibart), Marta Tosi (Board Member and Sales and Marketing Manager at Art Defender), Alice Manni (Art manager Mimmo Rotella Foundation), Sara Enrico (Artist), IULM, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione di Milano

Language: Italian


Meeting Point


05/11/2023 - 12:30-13:30


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