1 - 3 November 2024

EventLuci d’Artista – The new course

Luci d’Artista – The new course


Luci d’Artista starts again with a new course: the conversation will be an opportunity to talk about the new light installation in the public space, created by a great international artist, and to present the XXVI edition of the project. All in light of the strategic development plan of the Torino Musei Foundation and the curatorship of Luci d’Artista entrusted to the critic Antonio Grulli. A new beginning for what can be defined as a true open-air museum inextricably linked to the City of Turin and its urban landscape; a story admirably summarized in the book published by the Allemandi publishing house for the 25 years of the event.

Speakers:  Massimo Broccio (President Fondazione Torino Musei), Francesca Comisso (Art historian, curator, staff collaborator for the Culture Council of the City of Turin), Antonio Grulli (Art critic and new curator of Luci d’Artista), Lia Rumma (Art gallery owner)

Language: Italian

photo credits: Daniel BUREN, Photo Paola Zuliani, Courtesy FIAF


Meeting Point


03/11/2023 - 17:30-18:30


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