Public days: 3 - 5 November 2023

#ArtissimaLive. Present Future Special_issue#4

5 November 2015 Journal News

Today we present artists from, Galerie Joseph Tang-Paris, Galerie Sisso-Paris and The third Line-Dubai. Follow us and our Present Future focus with the hashtag #ArtissimaLive.


Daiga Grantina, presented by Galerie Joseph Tang


Daiga Granting was born in Riga, Latvia, in 1985, she is living and working between Berlin and Paris.

She briefly describes her project for the Present Future section of Artissima.



Breath to light like speech to projection applies here.

Breath           Speech

————  =  ——————

Light             Projection


The stretching and contracting of muscles and fiber tensiles inside a cartilage vessel shapes streams of breath into sound.

I stretch synthetic matter around a cone of light and into a cube which used to be a cave.

A projection meets its ends.

Federica Tattoli

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