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Artists and galleries in Back to the Future 2015

29 July 2015 Journal News

Artissima is pleased to announce the artists and the galleries selected for Back to the Future 2015.

Back to the Future, the section of Artissima devoted to rediscovering the artistic avant-garde of the 1960s, 70s and 80s, focuses this year exclusively on the period 1975–85. The section will present monographic booths with works made exclusively during this decade by artists who played a key role in the history of art but whose work is not always known to the general public.
1975–85 was a transitional period that coincided with the end of a certain type of conceptualism and the explosion of painting, yet comprised multiple possibilities of expression: gender, politics and physical presence taken to extremes, and which also appeared in video, photography and performance art. This decade, a laboratory of radicalisation, rethinking, elaboration and appropriation, represents a fundamental period in the reading and interpretation of art today.


Back to the Future is conceived to offer a series of museum-quality solo shows presented in a devoted area at the very core of the fair. The section has proved to be increasingly successful since its inception, insomuch as many of the artists presented are now achieving major international attention from professionals, collectors and the media. The high quality of the work and of its display, together with the ability of the section to engage and surprise both public and art professionals, has turned Back to the Future into one of Artissima’s strong pointsThe Curatorial Committee – composed by Eva Fabbris (coordinator) independent curator, Milano, João Fernandes, deputy director, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofìa, Madrid, Elena Filipovic, director, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, and Beatrix Ruf, director, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam – has proposed and selected high quality projects by great art innovators from all over the world in an interesting dialogue with the latest artistic research.


Artists and galleries of Back to the Future 2015:

3NOS3 | Jaqueline Martins, Sao Paulo

Vincenzo Agnetti | Zero…, Milano

Josef Bauer | Unttld, Vienna

Clegg & Guttmann | Mirko Mayer, Cologne

Raymundo Colares | Bergamin & Gomide, Sao Paulo

Lili Dujourie | Micheline Szwajcer, Brussels

Peter Dreher | Koenig & Clinton, New York

Chu Enoki | White Rainbow, London

Concha Jerez | Aural, Alicante

Richard Kern | Guidi&Schoen, Genova

Pierre Klossowski | Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin + Cabinet, London

Július Koller | gb agency, Paris

Maurizio Mochetti | Furini, Arezzo + Giovanni Bonelli, Milano

Alice Neel | Aurel Scheibler, Berlin

Leticia Parente | Jaqueline Martins, Sao Paulo

Maria Pininska-Beres | Monopol, Warsaw

Vettor Pisani | Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana

Hassan Sharif | Isabelle Van den Eynde, Dubai

Michael Smith | Ellen De Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam

Aldo Spoldi | Antonio Battaglia, Milano

Support/Surface | Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg, Paris, Geneva, Saint-Etienne

Amikam Toren |Anthony Reynolds, London

Nanda Vigo | Cà di Frà, Milano / Allegra Ravizza, Lugano

Franco Vimercati | Raffaella Cortese, Milano

Alison Wilding | Karsten Schubert, London


Sardi per l’Arte Back to the Future Prize

In collaboration with Fondazione Sardi per l’Arte, during Artissima, an international Jury will assign the Sardi per l’Arte Back to the Future Prize to the gallery featuring the most remarkable project in the section, in terms both of historical relevance of the artist and of booth presentation.
In 2014 the prize was assigned to François Ghebaly gallery, Los Angeles, with a project of artist Channa Horwitz.

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