1 - 3 November 2024

EventThe encounter – Artissima special. Lucy. Sulla cultura in dialogue with Renzo Taddei

The encounter – Artissima special. Lucy. Sulla cultura in dialogue with Renzo Taddei


For the 2023 edition, Artissima interacts with one of the most interesting realities on the Italian cultural scene, the multimedia magazine Lucy. Sulla cultura. In the context of the Encounter format, the author Irene Graziosi interviews the Brazilian anthropologist Renzo Taddei, Lecturer at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, whose essay Intervention of Another Nature: Resources for Thinking in (and out of) the Anthropocene (Ruby Press, Berlin, 2022) has suggested the theme of the fair: Relations of Care.

Speakers: Irene Graziosi (Author and editorial manager Lucy. Sulla cultura) and Renzo Taddei (Professor of Anthropology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brasil)

Language: Italian/English


Meeting Point


05/11/2023 - 15:30-16:30


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